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Are you going through agonizing mental pain, deep grief, fears & phobias, despair, anxiety, depression, extreme frustration, impotent rage?

I can help you get back your mental peace

Feeling stuck or blocked, seeing no way out, feeling imprisoned, lost, abandoned, isolated?

I can help you get back your freedom

Having relationship problems with anybody? Having unexplained sudden changes/events that don’t seem logical? OR do you have any complaint/ disease that don’t respond to medical treatment.

I can help you explore to get a deeper understanding &
better health

Are you going through after effects of any accident/ violence/ electrical shock/ surgery/ burn/ etc.?

I can help you resolve any physical & mental consequences of such physical trauma.

Does your life seem off track? OR are you struggling for success, money or self-esteem?

I can help you get your life back on track
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Are you going through agonizing mental pain, deep grief, fears & phobias, despair, anxiety, depression, extreme frustration, impotent rage?

I can help you get back your mental peace.

Feeling stuck or blocked, seeing no way out, feeling imprisoned, lost, abandoned, isolated?

I can help you get back your freedom.

Having relationship problems with anybody? Having unexplained sudden changes/events that don’t seem logical? OR do you have any complaint/ disease that doesn’t respond to medical treatment.

I can help you explore to get a deeper understanding and better health.

Are you going through after effects of any accident/ violence/ electrical shock/ surgery/ burn/ etc. ?

I can help you resolve physical or mental consequences of any physical trauma.

Does your life seem off track, or you are struggling for success, money or self-esteem?

I can help you get your life back on track
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Dipti has been working independently in Abu Dhabi, UAE and in Gurugram, India since 2018. In her private sessions, she focused on healing through Hypnotherapy in her initial days and later incorporated the TASSO techniques in her therapy-work empowering her clients to take full responsibility of their lives. Her focus is to show her clients how they can harvest the enormous potential of their own mind to bring clarity in their lives and uncover their own potential & inner power for personal growth. Her approach is based on compassion and self-empowerment.

Dipti is very passionate about her work; she loves helping her clients uncover and overcome self-destructive behavior & negative thought patterns, fears & phobias, and other psychological & physical conditions & dependencies…




Hypnotherapy, as the name suggests, is therapy through hypnosis. It is a therapeutic practice that uses hypnosis to help a client reach a trance-like state of focus, concentration, diminished peripheral awareness, and heightened suggestibility. Hypnotherapy works by inducing a hypnotic trance on clients. This is marked by a waking awareness that allows people to experience detached external attention and to focus on inner experiences. This state is similar to being completely absorbed in a book, movie, music, or even one’s own thoughts or meditations. In such a trance state, a person is unusually responsive to an idea or image, but they are not under anyone’s “control.” Instead, a trained clinical hypnotherapist can help clients…


Transpersonal Regression


Transpersonal Regression Therapy is recovering & reliving past experiences for catharsis. What does this mean? So, basically it is a type of psychotherapy that guides people to remember past events and traumas buried in their subconscious mind. Basically, it involves the patient revisiting past experiences in their mind. It is believed that these past events are affecting someone’s mental and emotional wellness in the present. It is a focused, brief and result-oriented approach.


Healing Possibilities for Hypnotherapy and regression


Individuals who seek Regression Therapy do so because they are unable to answer some of life’s more daunting questions using a more mainstream approach. No matter what they do, they are still haunted by the same questions pertaining to their life. They know it is a pattern, but they don’t know how to break it. What they are dealing with has no explanation in the context of the life they are living, so they come for therapy.

Satisfied patient

I took about 3 to 4 sessions from Dipti Shekhar mam, trust me my experience was amazing.


Valued patient

I wanted to let you know that he has started waking up on his own through alarms. This is a remarkable improvement.



A young married lady with a 4-year-old child was in acute depression for 3 years. She was on anti-depressants.


Hypnosis is a natural state of existence. Everyone day dreams at times or we get lost reading a book or watching a movie or a TV series, this is hypnosis. So, when we get completely engrossed in doing something, we are in a trance or we are hypnotized. We all have experienced hypnosis in everyday life. When we are absorbed in a thought or an act, the mind does not wander away. It just shifts to a more internal place, less distracted by the outer world.

Hypnosis isn’t magic, it’s just a state of very deep relaxation.  If you don’t want to be hypnotized thenyou won’t be able to relax and you won’t enter a hypnotic state. You can stop the hypnosis session at any time during the process. You’ve probably seen hypnosis done in films or on TV where the person doing the hypnotizing snaps their fingers and the other person immediately falls into a trance anddoes what they are told. That’s not how hypnosis works in a clinical hypnotherapy session.

Hypnosis is perfectly safe.  You are always in control of the situation and you are never unconscious. When you are in a hypnotic state you are more aware and more focused on yourself then you are in a normal state. You are not giving up your free will and no one can make you change any essential part of who you are, or do anything that you don’t want to do.  You are in full possession of all your faculties throughout a therapy session. You are able to think and hear and talk to the therapist during the session.

Most people are terrified that if they really submit to the relaxation of hypnosis and go fully into a trance like state, they will no longer be in control of themselves and can be easily controlled by the therapist hypnotizing them. But be assured that you are still fully in control of yourself when you are hypnotized. You are still conscious, and your mind is extremely relaxed. Your hypnotist or hypnotherapist guides you, but hypnosis is something you allow for yourself. Your therapist guides you through your memories so that you find the answers and the healing that you are seeking. You can’t be made to do anything against your will. You won’t reveal any information that you wished to remain secret. You don’t lose control over your behavior.

Group 136


A young married lady with a 4-year-old child was in acute depression for 3 years. She was on anti-depressants.

Group 137

Entity Release & Inner Child

A young 18-year-old boy trying to prepare for his board exams found himself very distracted and not able to focus on his studies.

Group 138

Fears & Phobia

A 72-year-old man had a phobia of height. He could not even look down from the balcony of his flat which was on the 2 nd floor of the building.

Blank Form (#3)
Blank Form (#3)

Satisfied patient

I took about 3 to 4 sessions from Dipti Shekhar mam, trust me my experience was amazing. I got all answer of my question along with healing. It was both surprising and natural. Now I am feeling more powerful and clam. It is very easy and simple process.

Delighted Patient

I wanted to let you know that he has started waking up on his own through alarms. This is a remarkable improvement. I’m truly grateful to you and the healing that he received through you.


A young married lady with a 4-year-old child was in acute depression for 3 years. She was on anti-depressants. She was a housewife and would sit for hours staring at the wall during her depressive phases. She felt an acute lack of love in her life.

During the session she went through 2 of her past lives. In these two past lives she saw how she had illtreated and manipulated her loved ones to get short term benefits. Her past life actions were affecting her current life, causing an illusion of lack of love. As she realized this she began to cry profusely and ask for forgiveness. She found that the people from her past life were present in the current life as well. She realized it was about giving love and not just receiving. Her depression was gone in just one session. She got rid of anti-depressants and today she is working as a school teacher and happy in her life.

Entity Release & Inner Child

A young 18-year-old boy trying to prepare for his board exams found himself very distracted and not able to focus on his studies. He was always bored of studies but when young he forced himself to study and manage good grades but for the last one year focusing on studies had become impossible causing much heartache to his parents. During the session we found an external entity in his energy which was released. Also, we worked on his feeling of boredom which was very intense and coming from an incident caused at a very young age.

Fears & Phobia

A 72-year-old man had a phobia of height. He could not even look down from the balcony of his flat which was on the 2 nd floor of the building. During the session he regressed to a previous life in Germany. He was a young girl in that life. One day while the girl was crossing a rope bridge connecting two hills, she fell down and her body crashed on the rocks below. This was the cause of phobia in his current life which was worked upon. Later he reported walking on the floor of Dubai Frame, which is made of glass, at the height of 150 meters.